
ECE 230L: Introduction to Microelectronic Devices and Circuits

This course is a hands-on, laboratory driven introduction to microelectronic devices, sensors, and integrated circuits. Student teams of 3-4 students/team compete in a design, assembly, testing, characterization and simulation of an electronic system. Projects include microelectronic devices, sensors, and basic analog and digital circuits. Classroom portion designed to answer questions generated in laboratory about understanding operation of devices and sensors, and the performance of electronic circuits.

ECE 449: Sensor and Sensor Interface Design (Spring 2016) 

Teams design board-level sensing systems to published specifications. Concepts learned in this course include optical, analog, digital, RF, and microfluidics components. Resource planning/management, budgeting, study of standard specs and component characteristics, vendor interaction, board design, submission to foundry, component assembly on board, system test, comparison to design specs are also studied. Cost, economic viability, ethical issues, manufacturability, environmental/social/political impact are considered. 

ECE 546: Optoelectronic Devices 

In this graduate level course, students learn about devices for conversion of electrons to photons and photons to electrons. Other concepts learned include optical processes in semiconductors: absorption, spontaneous emission and stimulated emission, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), semiconductor lasers, quantum-well emitters, photodetectors, modulators and optical fiber networks.